In 2016, Pothitakis Law Firm was hired by H.J. to represent him with a claim against a manufacturing company as it related to his right upper extremity. The complaint was based upon repetitive activities undertaken by H.J. at his employment with the employer for several years. Ultimately, the Claimant underwent surgery on his wrists, elbow, and shoulder. He fortunately was able to return to work without restrictions. In fact, his pay had increased at the time of hearing compared to at the time of his injury. Pothitakis Law Firm made a significant demand for medical expenses as well as benefits for the Claimant’s time off work and permanency benefits. The Defendants took the position that the condition was not caused by work and that the Claimant should not be entitled to any benefits. After hearing, a Decision was entered by the judge awarding the Claimant approximately $150,000 when including medical benefits. Having been denied benefits from the start, the Claimant and Pothitakis Law Firm are extremely satisfied in the result. This case illustrates the fact that some injuries are gradual and over time. Those injuries are compensable just as injuries that are considered traumatic or happen from one work instance.