Work Injury

Repetitive Strain Injuries at Work: Securing Compensation for Long-Term Issues

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) have become a common issue in the modern workforce. These injuries are characterized by severe pain, numbness, and weakness in muscles, nerves, and tendons. They occur due to constantly repeating the same movements at work over a prolonged period. RSI can affect anyone who performs repetitive tasks, including office workers, factory workers, and construction workers. Unfortunately, many injured employees are unaware they are entitled to compensation for their long-term issues. If you have been diagnosed with an RSI, knowing your rights and seeking legal counsel is essential.

Understanding Repetitive Strain Injuries

RSIs are a type of musculoskeletal disorder that develops gradually over time. They are caused by the repetitive movement of a specific body part, such as the hands, wrists, arms, or neck. Common symptoms of RSI include pain, swelling, stiffness, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. If left untreated, RSI can lead to long-term disability, chronic pain, and reduced mobility. It is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as you notice symptoms of RSI and report the issue to your employer.

Workers' Compensation for RSIs

Workers' compensation is a system that provides benefits to employees who are injured on the job. Under the law, employers must cover medical expenses and lost wages related to work-related injuries, including RSIs. However, insurance companies often deny, delay, or undervalue workers' compensation claims for RSIs. It is essential to hire an experienced workers' compensation attorney to help you secure the benefits you are entitled to.

Proving Your RSI Claim

You must provide medical evidence linking your injury to your job to successfully file a claim for workers' compensation benefits related to an RSI. This typically involves obtaining medical records, diagnostic imaging, and expert medical testimony. You must also demonstrate that your injury was due to repetitive motions performed during your job duties. Furthermore, you must meet all filing deadlines and legal requirements to avoid potential claim denial.

Maximizing Your Compensation

If you have been diagnosed with an RSI, taking steps to maximize your compensation is crucial. This may involve pursuing additional legal remedies, such as third-party liability claims against equipment manufacturers or suppliers. You may be eligible for additional compensation if your injury was caused by defective equipment or a lack of safety measures in the workplace. An experienced attorney can help you explore all your legal options and ensure you receive the maximum benefits possible.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Iowa

At Pothitakis Law Firm, we are dedicated to helping injured workers secure the compensation they deserve. Contact us today at (319) 318-0450 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case with our experienced attorneys.
